The weather in April has been really kind to KCC Manawatu and we have managed to organise three separate events.
KCC Manawatu teamed up with KCC Horowhenua and headed out to Foxton Dunes in early April. This was a fantastic trip where we got to see katipo spiders, learn how our native Spinifex plants create nice stable dunes while introduced marram grass creates steep unstable dunes that don't protect our coast, we pulled out some marram plants and dandelion (as they don't belong on the dunes) and picked up some rubbish on the way. In the school holidays KCC Manawatu also teamed up with Palmerston North City Council for some wild play at Ahimate reserve. We found nature themed rocks, made nature bracelets, joined in an interactive wild story through Bill's Bush and had fun doing a scavenger hunt around the reserve. KCC Manawatu also headed out for an evening picnic and night walk at Ashhurst Domain while the weather was still warm enough. We found lots of different species of spiders, fungi and a few weta. Anna Regtien Manawatu Kiwi Conservation Club Coordinator 0272593877 Comments are closed.